The kitchen is one of the busiest spots at the Greenyards!
Senior player Declan Mulcahy attempting to cadge 'seconds' from Cool Chefs Sue Moffat and Fiona Wood.
Whether it's matchday events, mid-week training, visiting teams or Rugby Tourism, a small army of fantastic volunteers fire up the ovens and produce some top-notch meals to suit all occasions.
The Rose recently interrupted the frantic onion chopping and potato peeling to find out more about the Cool Chefs and what it takes to be on the team...
Who are the Cool Chefs?
The Cool Chefs are a happy bunch of volunteers, who want to do their bit to support the players an the Club. We make post-training meals from scratch on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the Senior teams (1st XV & Storm) and serve up post-match food after home games. We will make and serve up to 30 meals on each training night, and between 60 to 180 meals on match days. We have excellent facilities in the kitchen, and an industrial (very quick) dishwasher!
How many Cool Chefs are there and where did the name come from?
We currently have 17 in our Cool Chefs team, which means we can share out individual's time commitment over the season. The name was a development from our original group of "Budding Baristas" when we tried our hand at making "bean to coffee" drinks in the clubhouse on match days (before the wonderful Kat & Coffee Inc took over that responsibility).
What sort of things do you cook up for the players?
We want to serve up healthy, nutritious meals to the players (with the occasional pudding thrown in!) and that starts with buying quality meat and veg products from local suppliers Martin Baird and Purple Plum (with a club discount). We believe it is important to support local businesses, and they are hugely supportive of this initiative.
“We want to serve up healthy, nutritious meals to the players”
On training nights we'll cook everything from burritos, to pork stroganoff, chicken tikka massala, or meatballs & pasta. Martin Baird cooks and prepares trays of food to be served on match days (cottage pie, lasagne, stovies etc).
How do you become a Cool Chef?
Anyone is welcome to join the team, providing you like a laugh and are fun to work with.
What is the most popular dish?
Anything with meat. The boys seem to enjoy everything we serve up, and are quick to appreciate our efforts.
Fussiest eater?
Probably Keiran Clark (as he doesn't like vegetables!)
First up for seconds?
Corey Goldsbrough.
Most loyal customer?
We have a hungry lot - it's a close call between Roly Brett, Angus Runciman, Jack Dobie.
Any requests?
Yes. We would like to buy black monogramed aprons for the volunteers, using our "Cool Chefs" and Club logos. If anyone would like to sponsor us, please get in touch with Doug at
Cool Chefs Team:
Trish Armstrong, Shona Brett, Laura Brown, Hilary Buchan, Fiona Buttle, Debi Crawford, Siobhan Dawson, Alison Leach, Margaret Lindsay, Sue Moffat, Alison Robertson, Elaine Robertson, Louise Runciman, Susan Sharp, Pippa Walls, Kathy Weir, Fiona Wood.